Friday, August 28, 2015

Hedersleben Fire Department

Today, August 28th 2015, we got to meet the Hedersleben fire department. Language camp is a lot of work and learning, but there are also a lot of fun times!

Here we got to go up 29 meters in the bucket of the fire truck ladder. Great time! (sorry it is sideways!)

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Hey all, sorry for not blogging much I just have been sooooo busy doing homework.

Magdeburg was really cool! The staff here allowed us to explore the town a little bit. We learn about the political  structure of Germany. We also went to Leipzig a few days ago.

I'm currently working on language skills. All of you guys who have made it to the finalist group. Practice  your German it will help. The classes are split by time of practice. Advanced is like they were from Germany. Intermediate is basically a bunch of people with mixed skills from good to decent. Beginner is you are new to German. I was put in intermediate but I dropped down to beginner.

I can't wait to finally meet my host family. In Hedersleben we do have WiFi just not in the rooms. I am now in 2 weeks into language camp. It's been really fun! The group here was very open and friendly.