So I thought I would post about the actual application process for those who might be worried, nervous, or just curious.
Here is the CBYX 2015-16 Program Timeline
Fall 2014: Application becomes available online
December 2014 - February 2015: Apps are due (deadlines vary by implementing organization)
January 2015 - March 2015: Regional organizations select Semi-Finalists
February 2015 - April 2015: Interviews are conducted with Semi-Finalists
March 2015 - April 2015: Finalists and Alternates are announced
May 2015 - August 2015: Pre-departure preparation for all Finalists and Alternates
July 2015 - September 2015: CBYX scholars depart for Germany
June 2016 - July 2016: CBYX scholars return from Germany
There are 5 different organizations that cover the United States, where you live depends on which one you are a part of. I'm in New Mexico, so I'm under the
FLAG organization.
First of all, it is difficult to get everything completed in just a few days. You need to have a lot of information at your finger tips, or have a way to get said information. Here's some of the things I remember...
You'll have to answer essays about yourself. You need to be able to talk about your strong points and your weak points, honestly. Don't sell yourself to be something you're not, they'll find out instantly in the interview process. Be yourself. Be true to you. That's the best advice I can give you for this entire process.
You'll need to get two people to answer questions about you. A teacher, counselor etc. If you're home schooled like I am, then the parent who home schools you is one, and the other can be an adult who you have volunteered with, or participated in an activity with. They will ONLY accept TWO... so if you ask many people, keep in mind the first two to turn in are the ones they take.
There's a lot of thinking that needs to go into the application. Having said that, my mom and I worked on it in one afternoon because we found out about the program literally 2 days before the deadline.
You'll want a good picture of you... shoulders and up, very much like a head shot, but you don't need to go get a professional head shot taken! Not only can it be expensive (I know my mom had to have them done to be an extra on TV shows) but they also take a long time to get back. Time is of the essence.
Make sure you've followed the directions for each section. Check for spelling errors, grammatical errors. Make sure you're representing YOU honestly.
We turned in everything by Jan 31st and we received an email about being selected as a semi-finalist about 3 weeks later on Feb 21, 2015.
Not too long after that, I got my interview information. More on the interview in another post!
If you have questions, feel free to ask them and I will answer as soon and as Best as I can.
Here are some links for your reference:
Visit the CBYX program website to learn more about the program:
The CBYX program is managed in the US by five implementing organizations:
CIEE, and
Your program application will be managed by the implementing organization in your home region. To determine which implementing organization works with your region, their contact details, and the application deadline, please visit and select your state under the "Apply Online" heading.