Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Gastfamilie

Sorry everyone for not posting in a while, I have been busy trying to learn German.

Anyways I have finally "met" my host family! I will be staying near Cologne in Weilerswist! We're communicating using the "WhatsApp" app. It's a great way to text people internationally without incurring charges to your phone bill. After one year it costs 99 cents, up until then it is FREE!

You can snag it here:   I will be also using the app for when I'm in Germany and want to text my parents and family. I think it makes my mom and gogo (nick name for my grandmother... long story) feel a lot better.

I'm really excited to go to Germany! Just fourty more days! Not only am I going to Germany in August im also turning fifteen or in German, Fünfzehn.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats!! So exciting! You'll be not that far from me, since I'll be near Düsseldorf. :)
